


  •   定性

    Students who fail to maintain SAP may not receive the following types of student financial assistance: Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), 田纳西州学生资助奖, 田纳西州教育彩票奖学金, 林肯格兰特, 联邦半工半读的, 联邦直接贷款, 联邦PLUS贷款, 涉及第四章资金的其他援助, and/or any other aid for which SAP is a requirement. These policies apply only to those eligible to receive student financial assistance. A student is considered to have made satisfactory academic progress provided he/she passes at least 67% of the cumulative credit hours attempted and has not reached 150% of time enrolled in an academic program (see Maximum Time Frame section). 也, undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average as outlined below:

    SAP 平均绩点要求
    尝试学时 累积平均绩点
    0 - 29 1.5
    30 - 45 1.75
    46 - 59 1.90
    60+ 2.0

    For graduate programs, please refer to specific graduate catalogs for 平均绩点 requirements. A student whose academic performance drops below the minimum standards will be placed on financial aid warning. A student will receive student financial assistance while on warning for one semester but must meet 令人满意的学业进展 by the end of that semester or be placed on 金融援助 Suspension.

  •   数量-尝试时间vs. 小时了

    A student is considered to have made satisfactory academic progress provided he/she passes at least 67% of the cumulative credit hours attempted. 例如, a student who attempts 45 credit hours must complete at least 30 of those credit hours to make satisfactory academic progress. A student whose academic performance drops below the minimum standards will be placed on financial aid warning. A student will receive student financial assistance while on warning for one semester but must meet 令人满意的学业进展 by the end of that semester or be placed on 金融援助 Suspension.

  •   定量-最大时间框架

    No student will be eligible to receive financial aid for more than 150% of the published length of their declared program. 这个时间是用尝试的学分来衡量的. 例如, a student seeking a baccalaureate degree totaling 128 credit hours cannot receive aid for more than 192 attempted hours (128 x 150% = 192). Failing a class or withdrawing from a class, whether passing or failing, can affect SAP. SAP will be reviewed at the end of each semester.


Students who are on 金融援助 Suspension may appeal this decision to the LMU Executive Director of 金融援助. The appeal must be made in writing and explain why the student failed to make SAP and what has changed that will allow the student to make SAP at the next evaluation. An approved appeal would typically contain an extenuating circumstance beyond your control along with supporting documentation. This letter should be sent to: Executive Director of 学生财务服务, 香港康伯兰峡公园道6965号 哈罗盖特,田纳西州37752. The Executive Director will review the appeal along with any additional recommendations from appropriate faculty or staff members to determine if the student will be able to meet SAP standards by the next evaluation. If the Executive Director does not approve the appeal, the student may take classes at his/her own expense to try to regain SAP. 如果上诉被批准, an academic plan will be developed in conjunction with the Director of Academic Support in order to help the student meet SAP standards in a specified timeline in order to graduate from a program. At the end of the next semester, the student must be following the approved academic plan. The academic plan must detail exactly what courses are required for the student to complete their intended program of study at LMU.


All 金融援助 令人满意的学业进展 notifications will be sent in two ways: a letter will be sent to the student at the home address and an e-mail notification will be sent to his/her LMU e-mail address. These notifications will be sent no later than four weeks after the end of the academic term reviewed.


  •   定量-最大时间框架

    重新获得资格, you must graduate and advance to a new academic level.

  •   数量-尝试时间vs. 小时了

    重新获得资格, take courses at your own expense in a subsequent term or terms and meet the standards according to the cumulative credit hours completion ratio outlined above under the heading Quantitative. Once you have taken the courses and earned passing grades, you will need to notify the Office of 学生财务服务.

  •   平均绩点

    重新获得资格, complete courses at your own expense and raise your cumulative 平均绩点 to the acceptable standard. Once you have completed the course and raised you 平均绩点, you will need to notify the Office of 学生财务服务 to evaluate the coursework taken to see if financial aid can be awarded.

学费 & 费用