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Work-Study & 研究生助教奖学金


Work-study is a federally funded program that allows students with financial need to work a part-time job. Due to limited funding for the program, students interested in participating should complete the 勤工俭学申请表 in the Quick Links section of MyLMU. The Office of 学生财务服务 will review funding and the student's eligibility based on financial need. 收件人将通过LMU的电子邮件收到通知. Eligible students will be sent a work-study packet that must be completed and returned by the given deadline. The work-study position is considered forfeited if the packet is not returned by the deadline.

Students offered work-study jobs will be paid monthly for hours worked during the pay period. 工资是10美元.新的勤工俭学学生每小时00美元. Students may apply their work-study earnings to reduce any balance owed; however, 学生可以保留这笔资金用于其他与教育有关的费用.


Each year, 林肯纪念堂 University offers a limited number of graduate assistantship positions when funding is available. 当研究生助教奖学金被精心构思和执行时, it serves as an ideal instrument to facilitate progress toward a graduate degree while assisting with expenses.


在申请研究生助学金之前, 申请人必须申请过研究生课程. All requirements for admission to degree candidacy must be completed before a graduate assistantship position can be offered.

Academic or University departments seeking graduate assistants will review applications and conduct interviews. Students will be contacted if a department wishes to interview them for an open position.

The Office of 学生财务服务 will issue an offer letter to each student receiving a graduate assistantship. 在学生开始工作之前,各方必须在信上签字.


  • 在申请研究生助教奖学金之前, an applicant must be enrolled in a graduate program of study at LMU and have pre-registered for courses. All requirements for admission to a graduate program of study must be completed before a student is eligible to receive a 研究生助教奖学金 position.
  • 研究生助理(GAs)被任命执行各种职责. Most commonly, the duties relate to supervisory or administrative functions of the University. 每个GA都有一个指定的主管.
  • 研究生助教奖学金 are limited to 18 credit hours of tuition assistance per academic year (August - May) and can total no more than the required number of credit hours to complete the degree program. Students are eligible to participate in the 研究生助教奖学金 Program for a maximum of four academic terms. 助教奖学金是针对初次入学的学位课程的.
  • 研究生助理必须保持3分.累计平均绩点0. If the applicant is already enrolled in a Master's degree program and has completed one or more semesters, 申请人的平均成绩必须达到3分.0 or above.
  • 助理一般每周工作15-20小时. 一些助教奖学金的工作时间可能会因录取和安置而有所不同. 如果研究生助理连续工作超过6小时, 法律要求他们休息三十分钟.
  • 再次任命的申请必须每年提交一次. Intent to continue a Graduate Assistant appointment from one semester to the next must be communicated via email from the GA Supervisor. Continued participation in the 研究生助教奖学金 program is contingent upon satisfactory performance in the position and fulfillment of all obligations.


  •   什么是研究生助教奖学金?

    研究生助教奖学金是一项校内奖学金, part-time position receiving a financial offer in the form of a tuition benefit granted to graduate students for work in a department of the University while pursuing a degree.

  •   研究生助理的职责是什么?

    研究生助理被指派执行各种各样的职责. Most commonly, the duties relate to supervisory or administrative functions of the University.

  •   谁有资格做研究生助理?

    Students currently enrolled in a graduate program with all requirements completed for admission to degree candidacy and who have received less than 36 credit hours of tuition assistance (maximum of four academic terms) in graduate assistantships. 研究生助教奖学金主要针对研究生水平的学生. On rare occasions, professional degree students may apply to be a graduate assistant. 在这些情况下, the Office of 学生财务服务 must receive written permission from the Dean of the professional school stating that the candidate has permission to apply and (if selected) work as a GA. 请注意,申请不保证安置.

  •   我如何申请助学金?

    申请助学金,请点击 here.

  •   Can I apply for a graduate assistantship and a graduate degree program at the same time?

    No, 申请人必须申请过研究生课程 before applying for a graduate assistantship.

  •   我怎样才能获得助教奖学金?

    Academic or University departments seeking graduate assistants will review eligible GA application files and conduct interviews. Students will be contacted if a department wishes to interview them for an open position. The Office of 学生财务服务 does not place Graduate Assistants; it merely facilitates the necessary paperwork and process.

  •   如果我获得助学金,我如何知道何时开始工作?

    开始工作前, all graduate assistants must sign an offer letter that details the student's tuition benefit and requirements for maintaining the assistantship. The Office of 学生财务服务 will contact the student at the appropriate time to sign the offer letter.

  •   作为研究生助理,我需要工作多少小时?

    Graduate assistants are required to work a minimum of 288 clock hours for the fall semester and 288 clock hours for the spring semester.

  •   如果我是雇员的受抚养学生,我可以成为研究生助理吗?

    Yes. 雇员家属不能获得研究生学习的学费减免. As a result, employee-dependent students are eligible to be graduate assistants and receive tuition benefits.

  •   我将获得多少学时的学费补助?

    Students offered a graduate assistantship position can receive up to 18 credit hours of tuition assistance per academic year. The benefit amount depends on department/school budgeted allocations and requirements of the position. 学生可以获得不超过36个学分的研究生助教奖学金.

  •   作为研究生助理,我需要保持一定的GPA吗?


  •   研究生助学金是应税收入吗?

    The IRS indicates that students who are candidates for a degree generally can exclude a scholarship or fellowship if used for tuition and fees required for enrollment or attendance. 请浏览 IRS 更多详情请浏览网页.